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IIIDAward 2020

Die Abteilung Visuelle Kommunikation freut sich über die zweifache BRONZE-Auszeichnung beim IIIDAward 2020 (International Institution for Information Design Vienna):

1/ Bronze in Category: Corporate Design & Communication

Project: Das Rote Wien in Zahlen

iiidaward.net/Wiener Gemeindebauten

What was the challenge?

How to communicate historical data from Vienna in a form that is engag-ing, attractive and easy to under-stand for a wide range of people, while using the new Corporate Design Guidelines for the City of Vienna (Colors, Fonts and Symbols)

What was the solution?
Divided into seven topics, each chapter begins with spreads that communicate statistical facts as information graphics, followed by a longer reading text that provides the backgrounds and contextualizes the graphs.

What was the effect?

The result are two entertaining books plus a poster that use information graphics to explain the specific nature with which “Red Vienna” offered reforms for the Vien-nese population that still today, some 100 years later, prove to be the basis for making Vienna one of the most liveable cities in the world.
This is a cooperation between the City of Vienna, department Eco-nomic Affairs, Labour and Statistics and the University of Art and Design Linz, department Visual Communi-cation

Beteiligte Personen: Julia Singer, Clemens Schrammel, Raul Izquierdo und Tina Frank

2/ Bronze in Category: Research

Project: Wiener Melange – Who lives where in Vienna?


iiidaward.net/Wiener Melange

What was the challenge?
How to map the population of Vienna by showing the residential mix by place of birth in Vienna’s municipal and census districts: Vienna, other Austrian provinces and from abroad.

What was the solution?
The maps are based on the ternary color coding scheme, “Tricolore”,  developed by Jonas Schöley and Ilya Kashnitsky. The composition of people living in municipal or census districts can be read by their colour encodings. The legend shows each district as a small black dot mapped by the deviation in direction and magnitude from the centrepoint of the ternary color legend, which represents Vienna’s average residential mix.

What was the effect?

The three base colours of Johannes Itten’s colour circle – red, yellow and blue – are taught to every child at school. We know that green is the mixture of yellow and blue, while the mixture of yellow and red results in orange, etc. The colours show the number of people of a certain origin. The more yellow a district, the more people from other Austrian provinces have been living there on January 1, 2018. Red indicates people born in Vienna and the more blue is shown in the colour mix, the more people born abroad have been living in the district.

Originally published at: wien1x1.at/site/wien-zuagraste

Beteiligte Personen: Hanna Priemetzhofer, Tina Frank (Kunstuniversität Linz), Ramon Bauer, Roman Seidl,  Franz Trautinger (Statistik Wien)

© Abteilung Visuelle Kommunikation