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Am Beispiel einer Hasenjagd

Vernissage: 22.10.2020, 16.00 Uhr; Ausstellung bis 19.11.2020 GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL Project Space, Gerlgasse 17, 1030 Wien

Georg Pinteritsch

There is a room with 3 identical doors separated by 2 cubes. Nothing else of interest.
>look at doors
The 3 doors are identical
>look at cubes
The 2 cubes are identical
>look at room
There is a room with 3 identical doors separated by 2 cubes, there is a small board, on the right wall. Nothing else of interest.
>look at board
Its a small board
> walk through 2nd door
~ you decided to go through the 2nd door ~

Öffnungszeiten: 22.10. - Di - Do 17-20 Uhr Nach Vereinbarung per Mail: globalinternational1030@gmail.com