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Changing Perspectives

Jomo Zeil
Student Work, WS 2012 / 2013

Architektur | Urbanistik

New Views on Venice

The nicest way to travel to Venice is by boat. The way it was conceived to be. But we travel different now - even this surreal city has adapted its gateways to new means of travel. But it has changed its image and it has made it a lot more accessible for anyone with a little change to spare.
We arrive in Venice today by all kinds of means of travel. And because we have become many and Venice has adapted itself to attract all kinds of travelers- from culture-tourists to film-tourist to history-tourists to pension-tourists to trend-tourists- it has also not only changed itself, but far more also its surroundings.

The View That Awaits
But most of these changes are carefully hidden-placed out of sight- however possible. In the essence a lot of theatre can be played in a city with narrow alleys- the sight out to the lagoon is mostly directed and formatted for a “nice view”. On the other hand there are some views of Venice that in some eyes might not be so nice and attractive. Most infrastructures needed for traveling and staying in Venice, the infrastructure necessary for the larger country of italy, - it is all hidden from the common traveler coming here.
Traveling to Venice should also have to do with responsibility. Responsibility for a cultural heritage, which has contributed to where we are now. Coming here can not be for a museal pleasure alone. There should be a constructive contention when coming to Venice. Being able to see Venice in perspective of what is happening globally, what is happening to the city and how every single traveler or person coming is handling these aspects. But in order to do this in a constructive spirit, we can not only look at Venice through formatted or directed views that were especially planned and designed to have primarily nice and beautiful experiences in Venice. WE HAVE TO CHANGE PERSPECTIVE. And changing these perspectives has to be attractive - it has to be intuitively and in an undistracted fashion.

In order to change the perspective, we have to change our point of reference. We need to change the height-to have a better oversight and a relation to our greater surroundings. It gives us a better insight and a better orientation. It is attractive. This new point of reference should be attractive- so we are able to ponder and contemplate. We have to be undistracted in order to focus critically.
In order to focus, we also have to focus our view. It should also be undistracted- so assisting in this is a formatted view - similar to those that is common in Venice. But now we are focusing not only on beautiful sights but also on critical sights. For being in Venice responsibly means relating your being there to the situation of what is happening to Venice and its surroundings. And how we come there. And how we behave when being there. What we should accept of the development happening there and what we should rather neglect.

The New View
In order to assist this relation, some of the critical views we can experience in this proposed concept, will be put directly next to views that are classical for Venice and very attractive. It is a suggestive proposition- but it assists a critical thinking towards the images.
The concept also aids in relieving a critical development of having people sit down in the wrong places in Venice- especially at Santa Lucia station. The steps leading to a new view of the city, they provide a situation where one can feel free to settle down and contemplate. Or have an undistracted discourse about the city. Or share thoughts of Venice with friends. And have a new view on the city and spend a nice morning or evening above or half-way above the city. The critical discourse on Venice needs not only new views on the city, but also an immediate and comfortable situation where you can conduct it.


This student work was designed during the semester programme project Venezia - Città Immaginarie.