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The Entrance Towers

Peter Höbarth
Student Work, WS 2012 / 2013

Architektur | Urbanistik

Five Towers in a straight line connecting the entrances of the city equally. Upgrading busy pavements with residential qualities. Stimulating every user to explore, to configurate and to discover different views of the city Venice.
The project is based on the venetian urban layout of the connection between towers and public squares. Also it offers the qualities of another typical venetian type of on-top-terrace: the Altana.
The Piazza San Marco, as former entrance, needed one tower. The divided new entrances need a stronger appearance than this. They need a sign to keep the kind of entrance equal. The conclusion is a line of public towers.
On the outside it seems that they look all the same. But the facade is dynamic by the people interacting with it. On the inside each tower is created different. So every tower gets its own identity and quality. They are located sensible to act as a hot spot to the surroundings.
There is a focus on sustainability. The parts of the towers are ready industrial prefabricated elements. They can be re-used again easily in their own fields after deconstruction of the towers. This student work was designed during the semester programme project Venezia - Città Immaginarie.